
Posts Tagged ‘lose yourself’

In this moment I find myself in a state of serenity, of total connection with my thoughts. Recently I have noticed that I lost myself about a year ago. I changed for some reason I do not entirely know. I forgot part of myself, left it behind and became someone else. Unfortunately, said change was not for the best, hence I now see the need to return.

You see, I live tormented by mostly everything around me. The noise from the streets, people walking by, the concrete walls that surround me and the paved streets beneath my feet. I live in a synthetic world. We have lost our connection with nature, so no spirits walk among us. I see a tree growing in every corner, one with less life than the next. All alone, they just survive, but the spirits I barely sense in them.

It is due to this lifeless wasteland we call a city that people are disturbed. Life shatters and we lose ourselves into chaos. It´s mayhem, where living grass is replaced for concrete or synthetic grass. It keeps the green, takes the living. Useless.

The reason I came to write this is simple. Lose not yourself, but the rest. Lose your stress. Lose the car. Throw away your phone. Finally, start to listen. There are birds in the sky, trees dancing to the rhythm of the wind and water flowing underground.
I now live in order to finish my career, work fast and get to travel. Go as far away as I can from the big cities, where life travels.

Lose not yourself, but the rest. Let your mind not be poisoned.





PD: the amazing artists behind these images:


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